Youth Brainwashed by Media, Education System’s Failure to Teach Critical Thinking Fuel Covid-19 Hysteria

The Necessity to Control Mass Population

Throughout history, the necessity to control mass population in order to execute a political agenda has been a familiar concept. During the 20th century, for example, both National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union understood that indoctrinating the youth of their nations was the key to regime success.

Today, it appears that the youth have been similarly brainwashed into being terrified of Covid-19, despite the fact that the virus has little effect on young people. Children under 17 account for only 12% of total cases in the U.S., yet they are the ones most likely to scold, chase, or harass those who defy unnecessary local mandates.

The Media’s Role in Fear-Mongering

The media has played a significant role in this fear-mongering. Rather than seeking the truth and holding power accountable, the media has abandoned these principles and is now in active collusion with power. Fear creates higher engagement and retention, and in an era of infinite fragmentation, securing attention is more important than ever. The media has also become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrats, moving lock-step with whatever messaging is propagated by politicians, regardless of whether or not it makes sense.

The Role of Technology and the Education System

However, the media’s influence on the youth would not be possible without the second trend: the youth’s increasing reliance on electronic interaction, as opposed to genuine in-person human connection. Society has collectively created a golden calf in the smartphone, and it is the teenagers who have elevated this technology to divine status. Content from the smartphone is given extraordinary weight, which, coupled with the lack of critical thinking instruction, renders all other voices irrelevant.

The third trend is the education system’s failure to teach critical thinking. The education system’s focus on social justice has led to a lack of focus on critical thinking, history, economics, science, literature, the arts, and philosophy. This has resulted in a generation of young people who are unable to think for themselves and are easily influenced by fear-mongering media.

In conclusion, the combination of media fear-mongering, reliance on technology, and the lack of critical thinking in the education system has led to the brainwashing of today’s youth into being terrified of Covid-19. Unless these trends are addressed, we may continue to see young people blindly following authority and being susceptible to manipulation.